Dead Sea Trolls

This week on High-Dere, come with Ian & Joe while they celebrate some progress, draw attention to money scams and hit the ultimate reset button on life, because let’s face it…#Lovewins…or at least it should.

On June 26th, the Supreme Court of the United States voted to essentially legalize all marriage across the country. But the interesting part to Ian & Joe about the whole decision is the reasoning people give for why they’re against it. Today, Ian & Joe talk a lot about what it means to live in a world where Love should truly “Win” but people ultimately are too afraid to speak out against things that simply shouldn’t be.

They issue a warning to everyone to use caution and not fall into traps of mentality due to popularity or how others will view you. They also talk about failing (and soon to fail) economies and how when grasping for money/power becomes anyone’s main focus, morals and love seem to be the first things to go.

Did you know that parts of the US Prison System are traded on Nasdaq? It’s true. Doesn’t that make prisoners into “Commodities” rather than “People” who are in need of rehabilitation for their “actions”?

Additionally, shouldn’t Ian & Joe have been able to see the exhibit on the Dead Sea Scrolls for free? They talk about how something so supposedly old and important to humanity shouldn’t be used as a tool for an association to make a buck. We should all be able to see these important things and contemplate what they mean and/or what they mean to us for FREE.

And then to wrap things up, we hear about Ian & Joe’s upcoming journey to cleanse and reclaim their health, bodies and minds through Beachbody’s Ultimate Reset.

All on this week’s episode of High-Dere.

ElfTree Media
We’re ElfTree Media; a team of creative folks based out of Los Angeles, California. Our collective of podcasters, musicians and filmmakers are about to embark on our first short film project together and we need your help!

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