Larry The Badass

This week on High-Dere, Ian & Joe talk about badasses & dead branches with the help of Joe’s new gear purchase, the Suzuki Omnichord. After an impromptu dance off, our hosts talk about old friends from far off lands, handmade furniture and forts, and then dive into past unpreparedness to discuss christian beliefs with anyone who was not a christian.

Relationships are all about sharing ideas and open thought. They discuss how scary it can be to make changes in your own life because it usually requires a decision to leave a lot of old people, things and beliefs behind for your own good.

Then we hear about how our perceptions and memories of ones we’ve lost aren’t any different than them being here with us on our plane. After a jam break, they wrap it out with the results from Ian’s now completed Ultimate Reset!

All this and tons of chord progressions, on this week’s episode of High-Dere.

Shout out to the late Bill Hicks, Carrie Fisher, & Simon. Chris Pratt, you’re officially invited on the show, sir!

ElfTree Media
We’re ElfTree Media; a team of creative folks based out of Los Angeles, California. Our collective of podcasters, musicians and filmmakers are about to embark on our first short film project together and we need your help!

Can You Take Me Dere-er


Naked Truth