King Dumb

This week on High-Dere Ian & Joe marvel at the supernatural, the manipulation of people through marketing and needless birthday gifts. Do werewolves exist? Ask Lon Chaney Jr.

That’s what our heroes begin this week’s show with.

This leads them to ask about other mythical creatures and people who apparently don’t age, like Keanu Reeves and Nicolas Cage. What if the The Fast & The Furious was made in the 1940’s, but set in 2015?

They remember that Mother’s Day just passed, which leads to a chat about what Ian thinks would really be appropriate plans for someone’s birthday. And then, we hear how manipulation starts and how teachers have to be strong willed and have themselves together. Or you could just be a rebel like Ian’s mum, and homeschool!

And why does Marvel think that it can keep putting out movies that are so formulaic that they’re starting to blend together? Oh, that’s right, because marketing practically shoves it down our throats so that it’s the first thing that people think to do when they have any down time. They close it out by shouting out to Hurlbut Visuals for their Strategies in Filmmaking series.

And did you know that people race their drones through the woods? Yeah, neither did we.

All this and more on this week’s episode of High-Dere.

ElfTree Media
We’re ElfTree Media; a team of creative folks based out of Los Angeles, California. Our collective of podcasters, musicians and filmmakers are about to embark on our first short film project together and we need your help!



Holy Bros