The Simmonsons

This week on High-Dere, Ian & Joe find themselves in the observers seat of a few different kind of experiences, and tell you all about it! Joe finds himself the very passive observer of a tense text message string throughout the show!

This leads our heroes to discuss the mis-interpretive nature of text messaging, and how people need to chill out! Joe then remember’s he hasn’t texted someone back in about 4 hours, prompting them to shout-out Lifehouse, Scott Stapp and Scott Speedman all at once.

Then we hear about their experience reaching out, and demo’ing the Oculus Rift, courtesy of their friend Ben Worthen, who’s going to be on Episode 34.

We hear how it felt to have a steering wheel that responded very well to the visuals seen inside the Oculus Rift. Shout out to Jeremy Clarkson at this point, while singing “Goodbye Horses” and some rendition of the angry text string is put to song as well. Jim Carrey’s twitter photo makes an appearance after a brief commercial.

Then they wonder about the weather.

Somehow, we hear them jump around to catholicism, a new show titled Um, Erica, Napoleon Dynamite, feeding Ian the complete works of William Shakespeare, Richard Simmons and Russell Simmons and working on an Oil Rig in the middle of the ocean. Flashback to the Toypedo pool toy! We hear Maddie fall asleep and it entertain the hell out of Ian.

We hear one last set of the emotion filled text string before wrapping it up with an In-The-Car de-briefing of our immediate thoughts of the Oculus Rift from the night before.

All this, and much more, on this week’s episode of High-Dere.

ElfTree Media
We’re ElfTree Media; a team of creative folks based out of Los Angeles, California. Our collective of podcasters, musicians and filmmakers are about to embark on our first short film project together and we need your help!

Holy Bros


Oculus Rift Repairo