Joe, Dylan & Ian

What follows is a bunch of gibberish and out of context quotes, songs and randomness. They bounce around from pronouncing Michael Caine “My Cocaine”, ‘Murica, that scream from The Matrix, Low Latency Mode, then they address that Ian has the hiccups, Vanilla Ice, Kissing boys, making water sounds, some random (and slightly unnerving) screams and moans, calling Houston for help, creating an all new IMAX format, sounding absolutely HAMMERED. Seriously, they sound trashed at points.

Mostly because in addition to the filters messing with the sound of their voices in their headphones, but the latency of the filter caused the unexpected side effect of a natural slowing of speech to try and keep things connected between speaking and hearing it back. This causes them to sound as if they are drunker than skunks…but they weren’t! Then they decide to sing. They serenade us with “Stand by Me” in a number of different styles, then move through “Afternoon Delight” “Angel” “Thriller” “This is Halloween” “Lonesome Valley” “I'll be Missing You” and “All About That Bass”, some several times over. The vocal filter styles we could identify are: demon voices, something somewhat regal, children’s voices, Bathroom/Cathedral. That pretty much sums this one up folks. Strap in, or on, or whatever, for this week’s Earthship Radio.

ElfTree Media
We’re ElfTree Media; a team of creative folks based out of Los Angeles, California. Our collective of podcasters, musicians and filmmakers are about to embark on our first short film project together and we need your help!

Joe & Nora


Joe & Joonbug